Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wake Me Up When September Ends

It has finally been a month....1 month and I am still in Phoenix, the boyfriend is still in Fiji. But we have made it this one month, which I count as an accomplishment. I don't know about anyone else, but September is my least favorite month of the calendar year (December is top...birthdays and Christmas can't be beat!). Every other month seems to have something going for it, but September, nothing, nada. Its bordered by the beginning of the school year and Halloween. It always seems to crawl by only to be forgotten.

October though, October feels positive. Pumpkin spice lattes, boots, and Hocus Pocus; October has reasons to get excited! 

Every morning I woke up excited to cross off another dragging day.
Any other Peace Corps volunteers looking for advice about long distance relationships: its not easy. The first month is crappy, plus it was September so double crappiness. But we're figuring it out. We talk on the phone almost daily. I'm able to text him for 3 cents a text. Though its expensive for him to text back, these one-sided conversations keep me sane. Knowing that I can tell him things throughout the day makes me happier and makes his absence not quite as pronounced. We are committed to staying connected, whatever it takes. International calling is expensive, but I would pay anything to hear to his voice everyday.

Its just weird that I haven't actually seen his face in a month. Unfortunately, I won't be able to visit till February :( The Peace Corps doesn't allow visitors during training or your first 3 months at site. February cannot come soon enough!

 But its exciting to know that all the experiences I get to hear him gush about will be my experiences, in some way or another, once I get to Mozambique! Plus I have tons of time to save up for more plane tickets to Fiji and learn some Portuguese! Tchau! (Goodbye!)

The countdown has begun...abeit a little early. 235 days to go!

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