Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fijian Update

Some big news from my soon-to-be-official Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji....

His final site is Namarai Bay!
This is where he will be living and working for the next two years.

They are building him a traditional Fijian house called a "Bure." It is essentially, a structure of pounded bamboo and local grasses. He'll have no electricity, but will be getting solar panels to charge lights and his computer. 

Its a pretty remote place and unfortunately he's been told that the cell service there is questionable. He will either get service, or he won't, but until he actually gets there we won't know. We're trying not to worry about it till we see how the situation is.

He is currently spending his last night with his host family before heading out for his last week of training in Suva (one of the bigger towns/cities). He will get hot showers and quality American time with other volunteers before he's dropped off in Namarai Bay and on his own. By Friday, he will be officially sworn in and no longer a trainee.

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