Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Senga na Lega

Senga na Lega: It means "no worries" in Fijian. The first time I heard this, I, of course, had to continue the classic tune from the Lion King. Its no surprise that Fijians have a phrase to match their laidback island lifestyle!

The boyfriend, ie: Max, continues to enjoy Fiji and I was finally able to procure some pictures!
Max is a kid magnet everywhere he goes!

Just hanging at a waterfall, no big deal ;)

I don't think Arizona even has the ability to contain this many shades of green!

Relaxin' in Paradise

Gracing a Rugby tournament with his presence
In less than two weeks, Max will learn where his final placement will be and then on November 1st he will be officially sworn in as a Peace Corps volunteer! 

I'm proud of him. Although I often complain of my time stuck waiting for my own departure in the US,  he's struggled through ups and downs as well. Sure, its Fiji, the so-called "posh corps" of Peace Corps, but being separated from home and those you love can be tough too. Food is different, culture is different, and its hard to ever really feel comfortable when you have so little control over your immediate future. It'll be exciting to see where he's placed; there's a rumor he may be sent to an outlying island.

We are able to communicate almost daily (though I'm still figuring out the cheapest way to do this) and it is great to hear about his days. Stories of rats falling from the ceiling, crazy thunderstorms, cliff jumping, bucket baths, rugby, the paradise-type views around every corner. We drag out our conversations never wanting to be the first to hang up. We talk enough to capture our days together, but its not quite the same as being with each other.

Time is my greatest adversary at the moment. Luckily, it continues to drag on no matter what you do. A considerable amount of time stands between now and when I can visit Max, an even larger chunk between me and Mozambique, and years between now and when Max and I will be living again in the same country. But pass it will, albeit at a glacial pace. I'm just impatient with waiting and ready to get started on an adventure of my own. But "Senga na Lega," no worries, life will continue and each day is an opportunity for an adventure in itself!

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