Monday, September 2, 2013


Yesterday, the love of my life left for his own Peace Corps adventure in Fiji. If I could, I would have dived into his suitcase along with him, but my own assignment will come along soon enough. I'm so proud of him and so excited to see what Fiji has in store for him. His undeniable friendliness and loud (it really is loud!) laughter will sure open up many doors despite language barriers. I'm going to miss his hugs, laugh, and jokes for a while but, hey, I guess I have to share him with the Fijians for a bit.

Its a weird feeling, being left behind. Normally, I'm the one traveling, not staying in the states. I know he's not leaving me forever, but its hard to say goodbye for two years, especially when my own future is up in the air right now. Of course, I'm already browsing plane tickets to visit him at the end of December; four months can't be so bad. He's told me that the other trainees are "right up my alley"which only increases my excitement and anxiety for my own placement and start of service. Hopefully I get some news on an invitation this week (fingers crossed)!

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