Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love > Distance has officially been one week since my wonderful and amazing boyfriend ventured forth to Fiji. I never really considered what an emotional toll that long distance relationships take until I realized that I was in one; a 2+ year one. This week has felt almost like a year in itself as days seemed to crawl along. Its hard to suddenly not be able to make comments, tell jokes, or hug the person, my best friend, who was always at my side. 

BUT, it is getting easier. I am beginning to feel much more at peace with everything and think logically again without tears. Yes, I miss him. Terribly. I always will until we are finally reunited for good. But we both chose to do the Peace Corps. We knew what we were getting into, and, yes, these next couple years won't be quite as fun because there will always be something missing, but we have these opportunities to grow as individuals and to grow in our relationship.

He has a phone and for now we get to talk at least once a day. It doesn't feel like much, but I relish these calls. Texting is even an occasional occurrence, at least while I'm still here in the states. And, supposedly, Skype might be a possibility in the future! These next 2+ years are going to be different. I can't allow myself to worry if our relationship will survive, though all the statistics are against us. I just have to focus on the now. I know that we are strong and that we are us. Comparing our relationship to others offers nothing. Whatever happens, will happen, but we are going to do all we can to stay connected!

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