Friday, September 20, 2013

Happier Than a Camel on Humpday! INVITATION!

Oh happy day!!

It finally happened! I opened up my email yesterday morning to find "Peace Corps - Invitation!" sitting in my inbox.

......drumroll, please........

I will be going to MOZAMBIQUE! 

My official title is "Community Health and Organizational Strengthening Worker" (quite the mouthful!). I will be working with local non-govenmental organizations to improve health outcomes by assisting them with training and systems strengthening techniques as well as improving HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support problems/programs. It may be office-based, community/field-based, or more likely, a combination of both. The official language of Mozambique is Portuguese from when they were originally a Portuguese colony back in the day. Since its similar to Spanish, I should be able to pick it up no problem. (Can't get cocky too soon though, I'm sure my Portuguese will be slow and caveman like for the first year)

The only let down is that I won't leave till May 28th. Having started this whole application process last September, I had my hopes set for a sooner departure date. I was originally told I would leave in August of 2013, then by March of 2014 at the latest. Well, May is a bit further than that, but I can't do anything but take it when I've put my life on hold for this for so long.

Once that magical date comes upon us, I will finally be starting this amazing adventure. I will fly to Mozambique with a crew of other shakingly excited Peace Corps Volunteers. The first 10 weeks I will live with a host family while I go through intensive language, cultural, technical, and safety training and then I will be placed somewhere in country, connected with an organization and on my own for two years. The Peace Corps is often called "The hardest job you'll ever love" and I believe it! 

I'll be updating more with history, culture, and info on Mozambique as I'm sure to be hoarding all the information I can find! Plus, whoever reads this blog gets to look forward to hearing about the struggles of packing two years of my life into two 50 lb bags!

And quick boyfriend update: He's loving his host family and boasts about the gorgeousness of Fiji whenever he can. Phones and texting are a God-send! Although I wouldn't trust their mailing system; he hasn't reported receiving any of my hugs lately. Really though, there are ups and there are downs, this sums up Peace Corps.

Almost a year from submission to invitation, but the waiting isn't over yet!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love > Distance has officially been one week since my wonderful and amazing boyfriend ventured forth to Fiji. I never really considered what an emotional toll that long distance relationships take until I realized that I was in one; a 2+ year one. This week has felt almost like a year in itself as days seemed to crawl along. Its hard to suddenly not be able to make comments, tell jokes, or hug the person, my best friend, who was always at my side. 

BUT, it is getting easier. I am beginning to feel much more at peace with everything and think logically again without tears. Yes, I miss him. Terribly. I always will until we are finally reunited for good. But we both chose to do the Peace Corps. We knew what we were getting into, and, yes, these next couple years won't be quite as fun because there will always be something missing, but we have these opportunities to grow as individuals and to grow in our relationship.

He has a phone and for now we get to talk at least once a day. It doesn't feel like much, but I relish these calls. Texting is even an occasional occurrence, at least while I'm still here in the states. And, supposedly, Skype might be a possibility in the future! These next 2+ years are going to be different. I can't allow myself to worry if our relationship will survive, though all the statistics are against us. I just have to focus on the now. I know that we are strong and that we are us. Comparing our relationship to others offers nothing. Whatever happens, will happen, but we are going to do all we can to stay connected!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Yesterday, the love of my life left for his own Peace Corps adventure in Fiji. If I could, I would have dived into his suitcase along with him, but my own assignment will come along soon enough. I'm so proud of him and so excited to see what Fiji has in store for him. His undeniable friendliness and loud (it really is loud!) laughter will sure open up many doors despite language barriers. I'm going to miss his hugs, laugh, and jokes for a while but, hey, I guess I have to share him with the Fijians for a bit.

Its a weird feeling, being left behind. Normally, I'm the one traveling, not staying in the states. I know he's not leaving me forever, but its hard to say goodbye for two years, especially when my own future is up in the air right now. Of course, I'm already browsing plane tickets to visit him at the end of December; four months can't be so bad. He's told me that the other trainees are "right up my alley"which only increases my excitement and anxiety for my own placement and start of service. Hopefully I get some news on an invitation this week (fingers crossed)!