Monday, April 9, 2012


Plane tickets are booked, visa is in the mail, and the countdown is on!
It is beginning to dawn on me that I am actually truly going to teach HIV/AIDS education...for 2  whole months!

I remember when I was little I was asked what my favorite country was. As I had a brief obsession with the movie the Little Princess, I quickly replied with "India" only to be teased by my neighbor friend because it was a poor and dirty country. BUT this is precisely why I love it. 

I had options to study abroad in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and more, but what would be the point? These are well developed countries, with relatively well-to-do people. Not that there aren't problems, just as inequality runs rampant in the US, but I wanted to experience more; I wanted to go where it was "poor" and "dirty," where need is obvious. I wanted this to be as much of a learning experience for me as it will be for the students I will teach.

IAPA summer 2012 volunteers plus our coordinators at the Hope in the Face of AIDS auction

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