Wednesday, August 6, 2014

City of Love

Dumela!The day has finally arrived!

Yesterday I arrived in my hotel in Philadelphia for staging. It was quite bittersweet saying goodbye to family and friends, there's no denying that tears were shed. That look back after getting through security and seeing their faces one last time possibly for two years was heart wrenching! After a quick 5 hour flight, I got a fantastic speedy night tour of the city from my wonderful friend Britney, who had taught with me in India and currently resides here. 

Today will be whirlwind of butterflies and excitement as I meet the other 78 volunteers! Its a bit of an orientation of sorts where we'll learn what Peace Corps expects from us and some basic safety info before hopping on a bus at 2am, thats right 2 AM, to drive to JFK. From there its just a 15 hour flight to Johannesburg and another short flight to Botswana's capital Gaborone!

My attempt at packing light. Alas, I did not make it into the exclusive "one bag club," but I can carry them all by myself which is an accomplishment!

During my speedy night tour I got to see a lot of the neat buildings full of character throughout the city!

Now the true adventure is about to begin! Next blog will be from Africa!

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