Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Price of Love

Relationships in general are expensive. Dinners for two, movie dates, concerts, doesn't have a price, but the money sure seems to disappear more quickly! Long distance, even more so.

Email/Skype: free but not accessible at moment
Text to Fiji: $0.03
Call from Fiji to US: $0.18/min
Text Fiji to Phoenix: $0.19
Letter to Fiji: $0.48
Call from US cell to Fiji: $0.50/min
Call from US landline to Fiji: $3.51/min
Package (small padded envelope): $12
Package (8x10 padded envelope): $18
Package (small box): $24
Stuff in packages (candy, mac n cheese, magazines, cookies, Halloween goodies): variable
Roundtrip airfare Phoenix to Fiji: $1150

That day I get to have my hollywood airport reunion moment: Priceless

What brings up this post? Well, lets just say I made a huge tiny mistake. I foolishly used my landline phone to call Fiji all through the month of September not knowing the rate because it had the best connection and fewest dropped calls. Long story short, the phone bill was nearly twice the cost of roundtrip airfare!

Luckily, I was able to get it reduced by backtracking to an international calling plan, but its still a lot of money that could have been spent elsewhere!

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