Oh happy day!!
It finally happened! I opened up my email yesterday morning to find "Peace Corps - Invitation!" sitting in my inbox.
......drumroll, please........
I will be going to MOZAMBIQUE!
My official title is "Community Health and Organizational Strengthening Worker" (quite the mouthful!). I will be working with local non-govenmental organizations to improve health outcomes by assisting them with training and systems strengthening techniques as well as improving HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support problems/programs. It may be office-based, community/field-based, or more likely, a combination of both. The official language of Mozambique is Portuguese from when they were originally a Portuguese colony back in the day. Since its similar to Spanish, I should be able to pick it up no problem. (Can't get cocky too soon though, I'm sure my Portuguese will be slow and caveman like for the first year)
The only let down is that I won't leave till May 28th. Having started this whole application process last September, I had my hopes set for a sooner departure date. I was originally told I would leave in August of 2013, then by March of 2014 at the latest. Well, May is a bit further than that, but I can't do anything but take it when I've put my life on hold for this for so long.
Once that magical date comes upon us, I will finally be starting this amazing adventure. I will fly to Mozambique with a crew of other shakingly excited Peace Corps Volunteers. The first 10 weeks I will live with a host family while I go through intensive language, cultural, technical, and safety training and then I will be placed somewhere in country, connected with an organization and on my own for two years. The Peace Corps is often called "The hardest job you'll ever love" and I believe it!
I'll be updating more with history, culture, and info on Mozambique as I'm sure to be hoarding all the information I can find! Plus, whoever reads this blog gets to look forward to hearing about the struggles of packing two years of my life into two 50 lb bags!
And quick boyfriend update: He's loving his host family and boasts about the gorgeousness of Fiji whenever he can. Phones and texting are a God-send! Although I wouldn't trust their mailing system; he hasn't reported receiving any of my hugs lately. Really though, there are ups and there are downs, this sums up Peace Corps.
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Almost a year from submission to invitation, but the waiting isn't over yet! |
hey!great blog! i look forward to following ur adventures! i have a quick question for you. Isaw that u got ur medical clearance in June....and it wasn't until September when u got this invite...were u contacted at all between those months by placement? and were u originally nominated for Mozambique or told them it was ur preference?
ReplyDeleteWell, my application story is kinda on the long side. My app seemed to get held up and pushed back for no apparent reason. I applied September 2012 and was originally nominated to leave for August 2013, no regional preference as they weren't doing that then. My application got stuck in pre-medical clearance (most likely because of the sequester) and I was pushed back to January-March of 2014. After getting pre-medically cleared in June, I was contact by the health placement desk with a questionnaire in July, then waited...and waited. I sent the placement desk an email about every 3 weeks just to check in and eventually received that beloved invitation in September. Only it was for May..not January-March like I had expected. BUT I am overjoyed to be going to Mozambique. I am sure that all that waiting will be worth it!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck!
wow insane! ! haha but ok and thanks for getting back to me so fast! congratulations! ! Mozambique sounds amazing! I follow a few PCV's blogs in Mozambique, if ur interested you should read http://lisajospencer.blogspot.com/?m=1, her blog is very well written and full of info. I'm still in the process, I was just medically and legally cleared about a week ago and now I'm just waiting to hear from placement!!! and I would love serving in Mozambique! ! so I'm going to be living vicariously thru u and reading everything, in case I dnt get placed there haha. :) goodluck with things with ur boyfriend in Fiji too!! u guys seem super cute :)