Friday, February 24, 2012


(welcome in Tamil)

So...I'm going to India!!! 
This summer I have been blessed with an incredible opportunity to teach HIV/AIDS education in Chennai, India. HIV and AIDS is a huge issue in India, as it is all over the world. Stigma and discrimination couple to hinder adequate prevention and treatment to fight this epidemic. Our team of 17 students from ASU and U of A will focus on teaching basic immunology, transmission, and prevention to 9th through 12th graders, university students, and the local communities of Chennai. With education, individuals can learn to protect themselves and can become empowered to also educate others helping to reduce both the stigma and prevalence of HIV.

Depending on the Wifi situation, I will try to keep this blog updated with adventures and photos as much as possible.

I'll be going to Chennai (highlighted in yellow) on the Southeast coast!

The organization I am volunteering with is IAPA (the International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS). They are a student run non-profit organization that work to provide updated, fact-based HIV/AIDS information to schools, community groups, and other venues all over Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
To find out more please visit:

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