Saturday, May 24, 2014


I'm beginning to truly believe that my attempt to plan out my life is futile. God and fate have continually impressed this upon me lately, or rather, have drilled it into me after each setback spins all my planning to the winds. Mozambique must not be in the cards. 

Because my Moz invite was rescinded due to kidney stones, the Peace Corps was able to offer me a new invitation to a country that can handle my condition in the chance that I pass another stone. The only problem was that all of the countries leaving right away were already full of volunteers. 

BUT I'm excited to announce that I will now be going to BOTSWANA (hence the title of this post!)
I won't leave until August, so a little more waiting must commence, but all I've done is wait so far in this process, so I'm a veteran of waiting.

My title is "Clinical Health Team Worker" and I will be working to address community health issues and primarily HIV/AIDS through clinic health education outreach and district level research, data-analysis, and coordination of programs. 

The Peace Corps entered Botswana in 1966 working in multiple areas of development. Botswana experienced remarkable growth since their independence from the United Kingdom. In 1997, the Peace Corps withdrew from the country due to its success. In 2002 volunteers returned again to combat the severity of the AIDS epidemic. Botswana currently has the third highest prevalence rates of HIV in the world, behind Swaziland and Lesotho. 23% of the population ages 15-49 are positive for the disease.

For now, I'll just enjoy my summer!

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