Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Give Thanks

Its easy for me to be so focused on the exciting future I have ahead of me that I sometimes overlook the simple things in my day to day life. I am thankful, not only on Thanksgiving, but for all the things that make my life wonderful each and every day.

-my wonderful boyfriend (#1 on my list!)
-my long awaited invitation to Mozambique
-skype (in all its glory, dropped calls and all)
-a warm bed (and how extra comfortable it feels in the early morning)
-amazing and supportive friends
-loving family (even when they get on my nerves)
-my health, and the health of those I love
-a job (even if it is boring)
-arizona sunsets
-the beauty of the internet which makes learning Portuguese for free and long-distance connections so easy
-smiles and laughter (especially that caused by said friends and family)
-cozy socks 
-and tea

Happy Thanksgiving

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