Not the fun “see how low you can go” kind, but the awful
stuck between a time and a place kind.
Yesterday I received an email from the health placement
desk. The excitement fluttering in my chest at receiving a potential invitation
from the peace corps quickly changed to profound disappointment as I read the
true content of the email.
My departure date is being pushed back to January, February,
or March of 2014. This is because the notification date for my nomination has
passed and I have yet to pass pre-medical or legal clearance. I have to respond
within two weeks letting them know whether I want to continue or have them
withdraw my application.
I have no clue why pre-medical clearance
is taking so long for me! I submitted everything the day after I received the email requesting it. Every time I have contacted the Peace Corps asking
about where my application was in the process I was always told that I was
awaiting pre-medical clearance which they process based on departure date.
I had called the Peace Corps LA Regional
Office two days ago and was informed that my application was in the legal
clearance stage. I thought that perhaps I had passed pre-medical without an
online update, but I guess not.
I am just caught up in a sweep of disappointment right now.
An extra four-plus months isn’t the news I was looking for, but I know that the
Peace Corps process takes time. Now its just wait, wait, wait.